Postoperative Skin Autograft Wound Care 烧伤植皮术后伤口治疗

Fig. 1 | Postoperative Autograft Burn Wound Treatment. A patient with a severe industrial ethanol burn injury had undergone autologous skin graft and was discharged from hospital. The burn wounds excised and was covered with autologous skin, but the wound at the donor graft sites did not recover well after autologous graft procedure. Refer to the baseline graphs of panels A and C. The herbal formulated HLQ salve is applied and covered with sterile cotton wool, then wrapped with a dry adherent gauze. HLQ salve dressing changed once a day, simply removing the older dressing and replacing it with a new one. The wounds healed in 2 weeks.

A | Split thickness skin grafts are “shaved” through the dermis of the patient’s upper leg (autologous donor site). The donor site must reepithelialize within 2 to 3 weeks in order to minimise hypertrophic scarring. However, the postoperative reepithelialization of donor site is poor, the skin surface is rough, and the colour is uneven. After two weeks of topical application of HLQ salve, the colour is uniformed and the epidermis is smooth.

B | Skin graft sheet harvested from donor site (patient’s own upper leg skin).

C | The postoperative burn wound at autograft site (patient lower limb) heals poorly, causing the grafted skin to atrophy, the dry scab is superimposed with blood crust, resulting in the epidermis being rough and cracked. After 2 weeks of external use of HLQ salve, the dry scab and blood crust falls off, the epidermal regeneration is restored, and the skin graft heals well.

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Fig. 1 | 烧伤自体植皮术后治疗。患者因工业乙醇烧伤入院植皮治疗。烧伤伤口被切除并覆盖自体皮肤,但是自体植皮手术后供体部位和移植部位创面伤口恢复不佳,参看A和C的基线图。中药烧烫伤HLQ华丽琦软膏外用供体和受体创面,覆盖无菌棉花,再用医用自粘纱布包扎,每日换药一次。治疗2周后,创面愈合。A | 术后,移植皮肤供皮区表皮再生不良,表面粗燥,颜色不均,外用HLQ华丽琦软膏两周后颜色均匀,表皮光滑。B | 患者大腿为自体植皮供皮区。C | 小腿烧伤伤口处为受皮区,移植皮肤萎缩,干痂叠加血痂,表皮粗燥皲裂,植皮愈合不良,外用HLQ华丽琦软膏2周后,干痂血痂脱落,表皮再生恢复,植皮处愈合良好。