Halo nevus also known as Leukoderma acquisitum centrifugum, Sutton’s nevus, Perinevoid vitiligo 晕痣
White halo develops around a nevus is called a Halo nevus also known as Leukoderma acquisitum centrifugum, Sutton’s nevus, Perinevoid vitiligo. The overall incidence of halo nevi in individuals under age 20 is probably <1%. Halo nevus are found most commonly in teenagers under the age of 20 years. There is no gender predilection, but those patients who develop halo nevi in general have an overall increased number of melanocytic nevi. Approximately 20% of individuals with halo nevi have vitiligo.
围绕痣出现的白色晕圈称为晕痣,也称为离心性后天性白斑,萨顿痣,痣样周围白癜风。 20岁以下个体晕痣的总发病率不到1%。晕痣晕痣最常见于20岁以下的青少年。晕痣没有性别偏好,但那些患有晕痣的患者的黑素细胞痣的数量也增多。 大约20%患有晕痣的人患有白癜风
- Antonella Tosti, Bianca Maria Piraccini. In: Jean Bolognia Julie Schaffer Lorenzo Cerroni, editors. Dermatology: 2-Volume Set 4th Edition. Elsevier; 2017. p1087-1114
- DM Wayte, EB Helwig: Halo nevi. Cancer. 22:69-90. 1968