
Tangs Derma-zema is a botanical compound formulated to assist the body in expelling and eliminating of feng, it also helps to facilitate detoxification process, thus enhancing the immune system.


Atopic dermatitis, Eczema, Urticaria (hives), neurodermatitis (Lichen Simplex Chronicus), Seborrheic dermatitis, chronic prurigo (prurigo simplex), hypersensitive/allergic skin disease


Corticosteroids or immunosuppressive drugs. (Herbal and Conventional)

Estimated Recovery Period

  • For patients who have not been placed on immunosuppressant therapy: Approximately 120 days.
  • Immunosuppressants User: For every month that the patient has been on immunosuppressants medications (PO, IM, IV), the time needed for recovery will be lengthened by seven times the usual healing period of 120 days, plus another 120 days. This is just a guideline, and the accuracy of the above assumption is determined by individual physiology as well as the accuracy of information and dosage information provided by the sufferer. Generally, the time to recovery is much longer and more unpredictable for patients with a history of immunosuppressant use. This is because the results are greatly influenced by the dosage and strength of the topical corticosteroid/phototherapy that was prescribed.
  • 没有用过免疫抑制剂者:  约120天.
  • 用过免疫抑制剂者:  以前口服免疫抑制剂治疗1个月,在120天基础上增加7个月,以此类推。光照疗法和类固醇(激素)药膏的种类及其效能不同,难以计算。

Prognosis of the Immunosuppressants Withdraw Syndrome:
波浪式反复 (免疫抑制剂反弹症)

During Tangs Derma-Zema therapy, all immunosuppressants therapy is stopped. Patients with a history of immunosuppressant use will likely start to experience the so-called Wavelike Flare-up Cycle (See Fig). This is known as the Immunosuppressant Withdrawal Syndrome. Symptoms of eczema which had previously been suppressed by immunotherapy will start to resurface with vigor after the immune system is no longer being curtailed. Over time, as Tangs Derma-Zema gradually takes effect in correcting the immune system’s function, the flareups will subside in frequency and intensity in a wavelike pattern (See Fig). The time to reach the endpoint where the wave draws to a null, will depend on the dosage and potency of the immunosuppressants that the user had formerly consumed.

Diagram of the Recovery Processs


finger eczema 3


3000mg to be taken two times daily


  • During the course of Tangs Derma-Zema therapy, abstain from all immunosuppressants and oral contraceptive pills. Abstain from alcohol consumption and avoid late nights. Avoid hot baths, and do not aggravate the skin by scratching or peeling the eczema lesions. A more relaxed lifestyle is recommended.
  • 皮质类固醇等免疫抑制剂药物 (包括UVB和PUVA) 和植物类免疫抑制剂药物 (甘草,白鲜皮,蝉蜕,大黄,金银花,雷公藤等),口服避孕药,饮酒,熬夜,刺激癣疹(搔抓搓),精神情绪不稳定,热水洗浴.


Tangs Derma-zema (Derma-1), each 360mg extract equivalent to 2344mg raw herbs:
Radix Saposhnikoviae Divaricatae 313mg
Radix Paeoniae Alba 480mg
Radix Astragali 588mg
Ramulus Cinnamomi 300mg
Semen Coicis 600mg
Radix Codonopsis Pilosula 63mg

Tangs Derma-2, each 360mg extract equivalent to 800mg raw herbs:
Radix Ophiopogon Japonicus 100mg
Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae 100mg
Radix Scrophulariae 270
Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 330mg

Tangs Derma-3, each 360mg extract equivalent to 1150mg raw herbs:
Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae 200mg
Radix Scrophulariae 270
Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 230mg
Radix Asparagus Cochinchinensis 100mg
Fructus Lycii 350mg

Tangs Derma-4, each 360mg extract equivalent to 2310mg raw herbs:
Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae 200mg
Radix Scrophulariae 270
Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 330mg
Fructus Lycii 350mg
Folium Mori 280mg
Flos Chrysanthemi 300mg

Tangs Derma-5, each 360mg extract equivalent to 720mg raw herbs:
Radix Saposhnikoviae Divaricatae 150mg
Radix Astragali 350mg
Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 150mg
Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens 80mg
Fructus Jujubae 40mg