Sweet medicine: sweetener suppresses immune system 甜味剂抑制免疫系统

To investigate whether sweetener (sucralose) has an effect on the immune system, scientist carried out laboratory tests in which immune T cells, taken from mice and humans, were exposed to the sweetener. The results published on 15 March in Nature [1] suggest that sucralose impaired the T cells’ ability to replicate and specialize, suppress immune responses.

sweetener abstract

“There has been this world view that these sweeteners would just wash through our bodies — our tongues would taste them and nothing else would happen, that’s profoundly untrue. ” Susie Swithers, a behavioural neuroscientist at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana USA.


“人工甜味剂被广泛用作零卡路里糖替代品,近年来其消费量显著增加。尽管通常被认为是安全的,但一些关于某些甜味剂长期食用安全性的担忧已经被提出。在这项研究中,我们展示了在高剂量蔗糖素摄入下小鼠的免疫调节效应,限制了T细胞的增殖和分化。在机制上,蔗糖素影响了T细胞的膜有序性,伴随着T细胞受体信号转导和胞内钙离子动员效率的降低。给予蔗糖素的小鼠在皮下癌模型和细菌感染模型中表现出降低的CD8+ T细胞特异性反应,以及在T细胞介导的自身免疫模型中降低的T细胞功能。总体而言,这些发现表明高摄入蔗糖素可能会抑制T细胞介导的反应,这种效应可以用于治疗缓解T细胞依赖性自身免疫性疾病。”

“人们曾经普遍认为,这些甜味剂只是从我们身体中一过而去 — 我们的舌头能够感受到它们,然而什么都不会发生,这种看法是非常错误的。” 美国印第安纳州西拉斐特普渡大学的行为神经科学家Susie Swithers说道。


  1. Zani, F., Blagih, J., Gruber, T. et al. The dietary sweetener sucralose is a negative modulator of T cell-mediated responses. Nature 615, 705–711 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-05801-6